Thursday, September 18, 2008

Updates as a Bullet List

It's been better than a week since we last posted, and there have been a couple of small changes since then.
  • Kirsten got a job! This does, unfortunately, mean that our idylls are coming to an end, but jobs (and the income you earn in said position) are kind of crucial. A necessary evil, I suppose.
  • I start class and teaching next week. I have mixed feelings about the whole process: Learning is all well and good, but I'm being inflicted upon a bunch of undergraduates with an 8 a.m. discussion section. Luckily, it's only once a week for only ten weeks, so I'm optimistic about getting through. And given the fact that plenty of people start jobs at 8 in the morning, I don't actually have that much to complain about.
  • There are plans afoot to head up the coast a little ways tomorrow for a quick camping trip. Hopefully photos will follow.
  • Still getting settled in the neighborhood, but it's been a pretty easy adjustment. Our local Jons is a stellar place to buy produce (3 lbs. of Roma tomatoes for a dollar!), so we continue to eat pretty well.
  • We've picked up a new game. While not as potentially vicious as Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne plays really well with just two people and finishes in just about an hour. We were playing several times a day but have since moderated our play, which is probably for the best.
  • And as a bit of shameless promotion, I continue to blather on over at Tamerlane. Recent topics of interest have included biking, a planned mosque in Cologne, Germany, and more biking.
And this is about all that comes to mind. Hopefully new and exciting stories soon!

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