Thursday, January 1, 2009

new year's resolutions

Would it be flip to say, Write more often? Probably.

But we're home, returned from Colorado. The Trojans are pulling away from the Nittany Lions on the radio in the other room, I've realized that my computer has another internet signal to pirate, and Kirsten is measuring stips of muslin to thicken the curtains in our bedroom.

It's a lovely climate here, though our weather mostly comprises thick fog over Wilshire on New Year's Eve (no, it's not Chicago, but few things are...). Class gets underway for us both next week (one of the many shocking things about 2009: the real world insists on resuming). And a batch of pasta dough is relaxing on the counter in our kitchen.

Dinner tonight is fresh fettucine with rosemary butter; maybe a salad with the last of the romaine heads in our fridge; and an evening turned back to reading, straightening our lives, a glass of wine.

So not a word about resolutions, I'm afraid: Keep it as simple as write more, and hope to convince Kirsten to publish the last two drafts she's hoarding somewhere in the folds of the interweb.

And for those keeping score, USC just opened the lead to 31-7.

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